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張貼者:吳文鈴/體育室 【體育教育中心】📣5月健康心理運動工作坊:擊鼓冥想、不運動有罪嗎?
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藝文體育 教職員生 2024/04/29 2024/05/15 體育館

聯絡人:吳文鈴   聯絡電話:51005

 可能是 2 個人和顯示的文字是「健康心理運動工作坊 nYCU 正念運動 建康心理vs運動體驗 自我照顧 師貨 師寶:周延展 周延展 POUND Rockout.Workout. Workout- Rockout. 擊鼓冥想 113年5月15日(三)15:40~16:30 不運動有累嗎? 113年5月29日(三)15 113年5月29日(三)15:30~17:00 15:30 15:30~17:00 師寶:清厚源師 師資 師費:黃厚源 黃厚源 心理新性訓練師! 運動心理語詢師 運動心理咨詢師 口系茶熱口 立即報名去 wlee o 出有室暨體育教育中心 03-5712121-51005 」的圖像

每一個murmur,都可能是壓垮駱駝最後一根稻草 ?!
📍師資:周延展老師 /POUND - Rockout. Workout. 
📍師資:黄厚源老師 /心理韌性訓練師、運動心理諮詢師
💬Having to do a lot of things within the same timeframe, not enough time.
💬Heavy academic pressure.
💬Interpersonal relationships with classmates, teachers, and roommates.
💬Choosing between postgraduate studies and employment after graduation.
💬Frequently caught in comparisons, the stronger the competitive mentality, the more fragile the inner self.
College students face low happiness, feelings of depression, and multiple challenges in life. 
They continuously accumulate negative emotions that they cannot digest, feeling tired all the time, unable to concentrate, emotionally sensitive, and unable to rest properly.
When we assume that the recovery time for a cold is one week, for COVID-19 it's three weeks, and for a fracture it's two months... How much time should be given for the hidden psychological wounds to heal?
Center for Physical Education and Sports (NYCU,PEO) will incorporate mindfulness exercises into sports education, combining physical activity with mental health perspectives, accompanying everyone in resetting their body and mind through 'self-care', improving emotional stress, alleviating anxiety, and enhancing spiritual and life quality.
📍Event:Pound Unplugged
📍Teacher:Michael Chow
📍Time: May 15th (Wednesday)15:40~16:40
📍Event:Is not exercising a crime?
📍Teacher:Houyuan Huan
📍Time: May 29th (Wednesday)15:30~17:00
🚩Objects of the activity:students of our university,30 people (Free)
🚩Venue:(Kuang-Fu Campus ) Physical Fitness Room (B1., Gymnasium)
🚩Note: Participants who complete the event will be provided with a healthy meal.